The project Ali per Tutti (from now onwards Wings For All) started in 2011, conceived by Paolo Pocobelli, disabled pilot; the occasion was the International Aviation and Aerospace Show, Paris Le Bourget, and the project was competing for the P.E.P.I.T.E. prize, (Prix Européen Pour l’Intégration des Travailleurs Extraordinaires). The Wings For All concept proposed to make the world of aviation an inclusive environment.
The aim was to create a network, which could connect people with disabilities, with institutions capable of providing them with the necessary training, to become part of the aeronautical and civil aviation world.
Now, a new chapter has begun: Wings For All is today a more structured and fully recognised Association, with a unique identity and path. Thanks to the recent purchase of a CAP-10BK -an aerobatic airplane- Wings for all will return to flying in Paris (June 2023), participating at the Paris Aviation and Aerospace Show, where it all began in 2011.
Wings For All won the Best Project award and the ceremony took place at the Elysée, in the presence of the President of the French Republic, Mr. Sarkozy. This was the beginning of a change, which, with passion and high-standard performances, allowed Wings For All to write some important pages in the history of aviation, during the last 12 years in Europe.
Thereafter, in 2019, Wings For All received the highest recognition from the President of the Italian Republic, Mr. Sergio Mattarella: “For the strong witness and tireless contribution for limits and barriers to be removed, and for promoting policies of equal opportunities for people with disabilities in all flying activities".
CAP-10 is a two-seat, single engine, low wing, aerobatic aeroplane equipped with a 180 HP Lycoming engine. Developed at the beginning of the 70s to become a modern aerobatic aircraft in France, the CAP-10 was very soon adopted by the French Air Force and Air Naval Air Force to train their pilots. Thanks to it’s great flight characteristics, the CAP-10 soon became one of the best aerobatic trainers in the world.
Since 1970 until 2010 more than 300 units were built.
The difference between Ali per tutti’s CAP-10 and all the others ever built is that the former is equipped with certified rudder hand controls to operate what is usually controlled with pedals.
On F-HNGA, or as we like to call it, The Little Prince, the hand controls are installed both on the Pilot/Student side and on the Instructor side to make it the perfect plane for Ali per tutti.
Paolo Pocobelli, founder in 2011 of Ali per Tutti, is Chief Instructor at the Flight School of the Aero Club Verona, Army Officer on leave, since 2019 Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, appointed by the President Sergio Mattarella.
Paolo Pocobelli, paraplegic since 1994, was the first commercial paraplegic pilot, the first flight instructor, the first examiner, the first aerobatic pilot, not in reserved categories.
Born in Milan in 1971, he began to fall in love with aviation since he was a child. He became a private pilot in 1991, in 1993 started parachuting and became soon a parachutist video operator, whilst achieving his commercial flight license.
During a sunny Sunday in June in 1994 -it was his 654th jump- an accident caused him to break two vertebrae and a spinal cord injury, which made him paraplegic. Thereafter, he began a long rehabilitation in Germany, which lasted until 1995, when, back in Italy, he returned to VDS flight, with a group of pioneering pilots of flight for the disabled, who were about to write an important page: I Baroni Rotti.
In 2002 he moved to Egypt, to work as a video diver for a diving center in Sharm el Sheikh.
In 2005, he moved to California to become a commercial pilot. He arrived in San Diego in December and began the training necessary to become a professional pilot. He reattended the entire training process, starting over, obtained the Private Pilot License (PPL), the Instrument and Multi-Engine Flight Qualification and finally the FAA Commercial Pilot License, soon after became also Flight Instructor and Instrument Flight Instructor (CFI–II).
In 2009, back in Italy, once again he started studying to achieve the Airline Pilot License (ATPL) and to convert all the licenses, according to European legislation.
In 2011 he participated at the International Aviation and Airspace Show, at Paris Le Bourget, as the first display pilot in an air show, in the professional category, to be paraplegic.
After an experience as a dog trainer, in 2014 he was called to be flight instructor in Verona Boscomantico, to become in 2018 Chief Instructor at the Flight School of the Aero Club of Verona.
In 2022 Paolo Pocobelli was one of the speakers of the first TedX in Jesolo, with a monologue on Space, its ductility and the ability of the human being to create and adapt the space that surrounds him. The innate and inherent force in the individual to shape and condition the universe and the human beings close to him thanks to the will to live.
In 2023 he is writing a new chapter for Ali per Tutti, also after the recent purchase of a Cap 10 BK (F HNGA), ‘The Little Prince’, an aerobatic airplane. Paolo Pocobelli and Ali per tutti (Wings for all) will return to the skies of Paris, at the International Aviation and Airspace Show, with three airshows, where it all began in 2011.
© Copyright Settembre 12, 2024 ALI PER TUTTI A.S.D.
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